
Honda Fury price and Photos

Honda UK has released the price for its soon to arrive Honda VT1300CX Fury.

While the Fury is arguably the most extreme-looking of the current range of Japanese clone custom/chopper/cruiser machines, its £12,071 OTR price definitely isn’t.

When comparing the Fury’s price against its main rival Harley-Davidson’s exquisite Rocker C at £15,460 (plain colour), the Fury’s £12,071 makes the Honda look positively cheap.

The one problem that comes with the Fury is it isn’t a Harley; it isn’t air-cooled; it will always carry the (unjustified) tag of look-a-likey; and it won’t have the soul of the great American V-twin...

Or will it? MCN will answer these questions and more very soon when we test the two bikes in the same arena.

Honda Fury body

2010 Honda Fury

Honda Fury bikes

Honda Fury

Honda Fury 2010 pics


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